diky ilham, Hutama Hutama


The contact between fuel and material of tank steel has a risk of corrosion problem. To study the phenomenon of this crorosive fuel on steel, the research was done.

Methodology of this research was conducted by immersion of steel samples in fuel. The fuel came from storage tank at Depot Pertamina Magelang. Furthermore, these samples were immersed in each fuel reservoir, conditioning as stirred and non-stirred. Test of microbiological corrosion conducted by adding with bacterial isolates. The duration of this research is 8 weeks. The calculation of corrosion rate is by weight loss, and depth of pit. The observation also completed by calculation of area defect percentage based on Dot Chart ASTM B537-70 (80).

The rate of general corrosion in unsteady reservoir reached maximum value 4,232018 mpy. Meanwhile in the non-stirred reservoir, corrosion rate has a maximium value 1,856000 mpy. The rate of piting corrosion in the stirred box reached maximum value to 3,250375 mpy. In the non- stirred box, corrosion rate decreased to 2,988064 mpy. The percentage of corrosion occurred has distributed. In the stirred box, the value increase from 2th weeks, from 22% to  35% at 8th. Meanwhile, in the non-stirred box, 10% at 2th, raised to 18% at 8th weeks. In the  stirred reservoir, all the value is bigger than in the non-stirred reservoir. 


general corrosion, pitting corrosion, microbiological corrosion; corrosion rate; corrosion percentage

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