diky ilham, Andhi Setyo Pamungkas


Steel is a metal material that is susceptible to damage and loss of function due to natural processes called corrosion, but has a high popularity because this metal has advantages to be used in various needs, easy to make, easy to weld, and the price is relatively cheap. Corrosion is a deterioration in metal quality caused by the electrochemical reaction between the metal and its surroundings. Joined or welded steel plates will be more susceptible to corrosion especially when used in highly corrosive environments.

Departing from these problems, the authors conducted research on the effect of papaya leaf extract as an inhibitor of welding results on steel plate crane ship MV JML Abadi. The methods used in this study include preparation of test specimens, testing of chemical composition, corrosion test process, microstructure test, data analysis, reporting, and publication.

Specimens taken from steel plate crane aboard MV JML Abadi after chemical composition test, samples included in low carbon steel with <0.30% element C that is equal to 0.248% element C. The average value of inhibitor efficiency is found in the test specimen with the addition of reality concentration 4.4% inhibitor of papaya leaf extract with 90.94% inhibitor efficiency. Perlite structure is more dominant than ferrite found on the surface of the test specimen without the addition of inhibitors, while on the surface of the test specimen with the addition of reality concentration 4.4% inhibitor of papaya leaf extract has a more dominant ferrite structure than perlite structure.


papaya leaf extract inhibitor; steel plate ship crane; corrosion test

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