diky ilham, Fajar Ma’ruf Saputra


Cooling system is a system that serves to keep the engine temperature in ideal conditions. The principle of cooling is to release the engine heat into the air, the direct type released into the air is called air cooling, the type of using fluid as an intermediary is called water cooling. Because the surface of the cooling system is always in contact with water, corrosion in the cooling system is often said to be corrosion in water. Components of the cooling system that are commonly attacked by corrosion are the part of the pipe. A corrosive environment can cause crust and corrosion occurs in the cooling system, which in turn causes various losses. In general, corrosion inhibitors are chemicals that when added to an environment can reduce the rate of corrosion of the environment against the metal.The method of this study is to provide organic corrosion inhibitors made from mangosteen peel extract on cooling pipe material (low carbon steel) by comparing the specimens without inhibitor administration with specimens that have been given inhibitor concentrations of 3%, 5% and 7% respectively. which will then be tested for corrosion resistance in seawater environments and microstructure observation.The corrosion rate test of low carbon steel which has been given 3% inhibitor variation has a value of 0.071 mpy, for 5% inhibitor variation has a value of 0.493 mpy, for 7% inhibitor variation has a value of 0.162 mpy and for specimens that are not given inhibitors (0 %) has a value of 1,132 mpy. The value of inhibitor efficiency is 93.77% which lies in the most optimal inhibitor variation, which is 3%.The results of microstructure observation on the cooling pipe after being given an inhibitor showed more perlite phases..


Inhibitor, Mangosteen Skin Extract; Cooling Pipe; Corrosion Rate; Microstructure.

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