Performansi Silika Gel Pada Proses Pendinginan Udara di Daerah Tropis

Fitri Alfiana, Ari Aprianto, Mufti S. Khusamidin, Solli D. Murtyas


As a country with a tropical climate, Indonesia experiences rainy and dry seasons. In some areas of Indonesia it becomes very moist and easy to grow spores. The high temperature but RH that tend to be stable causes the air temperature to be moist. This research is to observed the cooling effect of the room with the parameters used are temperature and humidity which is separated by iron filtration screen filled with silica gel which its weight is 95.36 mg. The results show that silica gel in the upper and lower designed chambers of 40 x 40 x 20 cm3 makes it possible to condition the room with a small temperature range from the beginning to heated to the end of 2.5 oC in the upper chamber.


Silica Gel; Microstructur;, Absorptivity; Temperature

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