Pengaruh Nilai Konstanta Terhadap Pertambahan Panjang Pegas Pada Rangkaian Tunggal, Seri dan Paralel

Didi Muno Irawan, Ganjar Iswantoro, Muhammad Hidayat Furqon, Sri Hastuti


Spring is a component that is always used in everyday life. In the automotive world, springs are used for suspension systems, workshop tools, electronic devices, and so on. Currently the automotive world is growing so rapidly that indirectly the need for spring also increased dratis. This is the background for us doing this research. The study was conducted on a threaded drag spring with a diameter of 1 cm and a length of 15 cm. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of constant value on the increase of length (ΔX) of a spring. The study was conducted on a tensile thread spring with a diameter of 1 cm and a length of 15 cm with 1 mm wire thickness. Based on the results of research, the largest contours value in parallel rangkain with an average value of 11.02 N is the smallest in series with an average rating of 2.73 N.

Then the largest length change (Δx) in the series circuit with an average value of 0.73 m, while the smallest in the parallel circuit with an average value of 0.18 m. Then it can be concluded if the value of large constants hence the rate of increment of small springs, and vice versa if the value of small constants hence the rate of increment of large springs.


spring, spring constant, spring elasticity.

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