Analisa Kekuatan Sambungan Las SMAW Pada Material Baja ST 37

Arief Hari Kurniawan, Sri Hastuti, Artfisco Satria Wibawa, Hardyan Dwi Putro


Many alloy materials have very well to weldability, but important things like tensile strength on welded joints need to be noticed. To know the effect of tensile test on SMAW welding joint with electrode Rb-60 : d = 2,6 mm, l = 350 mm to mild steel electrode required research of tensile test. This study used material ST 37 steel. The material was given welding treatment with a current of 70 to 90 Ampere using SMAW welding. The type of campuh used is campuh V with angle of 60° to 80°. The specimen is tensile testing. Data from the experimental results shows the maximum force (F max) of the welded joint can be written through the equation to find the F max prediction is F = a + b.d where a =21.024,79 and b = 5.693,4, then the equation can be written to: F = 21.024,79 + 5.693,4 .d.


SMAW; ST 37 steel; tensile test

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