Pengaruh Variasi Waktu Perendaman HNO3 Terhadap Struktur mikro Mikro Besi Cor

Yogie Akhmad Syamsuddin, diky ilham ivandiyanto


Physical examination of metal is done to support the analysis of properties of properties possessed by the metal. Metals that have undergone certain treatments of both physical and thermal treatment will have different properties properties. Cast iron is a metal chemical element that has a eutectic alloy of iron and carbon with a carbon content of more than 2%. To perform a physical examination of cast iron with the purpose of looking at the structure of cast iron, the need for tools that can observe objects with very small size, physical examination in this case using a micro examination with Scanning Electron Microscope or even Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM).


Cast Iron; Microstructure; Microscope; ETCH

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