Barnabas Satria Wibawa


Ball bearing is one of the supporting components found in the engine. During operation, will gradually suffer damage. Damage caused by excessive impact loads in the radial direction. Problems with wear and tear in the oter ring ball bearing will cause the life of the ball bearings to be short, so it needs to be treated further to improve wear resistance. Quenching is one of the heat treatments to obtain better wear resistance. The heating process in the furnace heated to a temperature of austenite 800oC. My research the quenching process is carried out with oil cooler media SAE 10, SAE 20 and SAE 30. Specific wear before and after quenching is known by conducting tests Ogoshi wear at a load of 6.36 kg with 60 seconds of wear time,. The results from the test of wear testing with a loading load of 6.36 kg for 60 seconds for each sample, in raw material a specific wear value of 0,883x10-8mm 2 /kg and after going through heat treatment at 800 ° C then hold with 15 minutes and cooled using SAE 10 oil cooling medium showed a decrease in wear value that is 0.51x10-8mm2 /kg or decreased 42%.


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