Annisrina Fajri Nugraheni, Lilia Indriani


The study's objectives are to know what kinds of personal pronoun used in the novel and know which personal pronoun has the highest distribution. This article focuses on the personal pronoun. Frank (1972: 19) states that personal pronouns are divided into five, namely subjective pronouns, objective pronouns, possessive pronouns, possessive adjective pronouns, and reflexive pronouns. The function of a personal pronoun is to identify or refer to someone or the gender of that person. In writing, this can help readers understand the storyline more easily, to whom it is pointing, and the gender of the person without needing to tell him. This research is qualitative research designed in a descriptive study. The source of data is from the novel by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, "Sherlock Holmes: The Sign of Four." The writer will analyze the use of the personal pronoun in the novel. It is found that the use of the personal pronoun in a novel is varies depending on the function.


Corpus Analysis; Personal Pronoun; Novel

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