Fitri Susanti, Sudati Nur Sarfiah, Jihad Lukis Panjawa


West Java Province is the center of industrial estates in Indonesia, where almost 60% of the industry is located in West Java Province. With a large number of industries, on the other hand employment tends to fluctuate and the unemployment rate in West Java Province is still high. When the unemployment rate is high, the absorption of labor is low. This study aims to analyze the effect of the number of industries, minimum wages and output values on the employment of large and medium industrial sectors in West Java Province. This study uses the OLS model on multiple linear regression analysis of time series data obtained from the Central Statistics Agency of West Java Province from 1991-2018. The results obtained show that the variable number of industries has a positive and significant effect on employment in large and medium industries, the minimum wage variable has a negative and significant effect on employment in large and medium industries, and the variable output value has a positive and significant effect on employment in large industries and medium as well as the variable number of industries, minimum wages and output values simultaneously affect the absorption of labor in the large and medium industrial sectors in West Java Province.


Number of industries; Minimum wage; Labor, Output value; West Java

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