Jumaroh Jumaroh, Whinarko Juliprijanto, Yustirania Septiani


The rate of growth of the labor force which is relatively fast and not proportional to the slow growth of employment has made the problem of unemployment in an area increasingly difficult to overcome. Unemployment is a very important problem because there can be a high unemployment rate which will result in social problems that will reduce people's welfare. Therefore, it is necessary to find a solution to overcome the problem of unemployment.This study aims to analyze the effect of the growth rate of GRDP, Regency/City Minimum Wages and Inflation on the level of open unemployment in Central Java Province for the period 2011-2019. This research is included in the type of quantitative research. The data analysis used is panel data regression analysis and uses secondary data for the period 2011- 2019 sourced from the Central Statistics Agency (35 Regencies and Cities) in Central Java Province which is then processed using this application . eviews 9.0 software.The results show that partially the GRDP growth rate and inflation have no significant effect on the open unemployment rate in Central Java Province, while the Regency/City Minimum Wage has a significant negative effect on the open unemployment rate in Central Java Province in 2011- 2019. When viewed together, based on the results of the F test, it shows that the growth rate of GRDP, Regency/City Minimum Wage, and Inflation have an effect on the Open Unemployment rate in Tenhat Java Province in 2011-2019.


Unemployment, GRDP, Wage, Inflation

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.31002/dinamic.v3i2.2672


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