Herlina Damayanti, Hadi Sasana, Jalu Aji Prakoso


Inclusive growht is a growht of economic that secure an equality and a growht that can increas a welfare so all levels of society can feel. The existence of Inclusive growht is expected to reduce poverty, unemployment, and income unequality. Economic growht throughout the years has been increased too high, however income unequality has been fluctuated. It means that economic growht has not reduce income unequality yet. This study aims to know what the impact of education, health, investment, government expenditure, wages and business units towards Inclusive growht of poverty, unemployment and income unequality. This study uses panel data with 34 provinces in Indonesia from 2015 until 2019, data sourced from Central Bureau of Statistics. This study uses panel regression analysis through E-views 9. The result of this study shows that education and government expenditure doesn’t impact to Inclusive growht of poverty, unemployment, and income unequality. Health, investment, wages, and business units have positive significant impact towards Inclusive growht of Poverty.


Inclusive growht; education; investment; wages.

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