diky ilham, Adi Prayogo


Leaf spring steel is steel that is not too hard so it must be given heat treatment and quenching so that the mechanical properties increase and are good to be applied as a substitute for palm oil harvester blades that are used in the highland, lowland and coastal areas. In addition to violence, quenching will also affect the corrosion rate, as well as corrosion media which will affect the corrosion rate of leaf spring material.

This study used heat treatment at 900 and 60 minutes holding time with quenching water. Corrosion media in this study were H2SO4 solution, salt solution and river water. Immersion time for 168 hours. Mechanical properties are examined in the form of leaf spring steel corrosion rate.

The results showed that the highest corrosion rate was in the material without quenching with H2SO4 immersion of 3.64 mm / y while the lowest corrosion rate of leaf spring steel was quenching material after being submerged in river water which was 0.197 mm / y.


corrosion rate; heat treatment; leaf spring; quenching

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