diky ilham, Joko Purnomo Sidi


A machine has an important role in a company or industry, because basically the tool is very helpful in completing a job that is closely related to the industry. One of them is a post-harvest coffee processing machine. This study aims to enable farmers to process their crops, and can add to the selling value of coffee

The implementation of this study is to use variations in speed round the peeling roller by entering the amount of coffee beans as much as 2 kg , and with the peeling time.Appearance of test results with tables and graphs containing the effect of rotation speed on the mass of peeled coffee, skin mass / remnants that are wasted in the skin disposal and optimal time for each rotation variation.

The results showed that the rotation speed of 420 rpm resulted in the most optimal time with an average time of 50 seconds 1 millisecond but for the lowest stripping result, the average mass of coffee was 0.99 kg and for the remaining stripping 0.99 kg . H acyl stripping at a speed of 350 rpm is not good enough, for an average stripping time 58 seconds 3 milliseconds produced average mass of 1.11 kg and coffee for the rest of the stripping of 0.87 kg. Testing with a 300 rpm peeler rotating speed has the longest time, with an average time of 1 minute 18 seconds, but produces the most mass of coffee beans with an average mass of 1.19 kg of coffee and the least amount of residual mass that is flat mass the remaining stripping is 0.80 kg.


coffee peeler; one roll of coffee peel; coffee

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