diky ilham, Agus Sugiharto


A knife is one of the tools used in the size reduction process. The reduction process is very common, including the process of cutting, crushing and slicing and grinding. Grind the Burr Mill type using a knife in the size reduction process. The sharpness of the blade can be called by the strength of the material, hardness, material and angle of the blade. In this study the author conducted a study of how the number of pulses for the results of the mung bean mill. The variation used in this study is the number of blades with the number 2, 4 and 6 blades. Process results analysis, filtering and grouping. The number of blades to the results of the graft of green beans. There is a period of pastime entertainment according to the number of blades. The increase in mill mass is not too much, with a difference of 5.7 grams or about 5.2%. This is utilized by slots between various harvest grinders.


Knife; Burr Mill; Mung Bean; Number

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