Analisa Vacuum Forming Cetakan Agar-Agar Berbahan Baku Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET)

Irvan Usman Nur Rais, Sri Hastuti, Hardono Hardono, Mohamad Aflakhul Adib


Polyethylene terephtalate (PET) plastic has a transparent, non-toxic, has no effect on taste, negligible permeability to carbon dioxide and has high mechanical strength. Plastic must go through the forming process before it can be used. The most commonly used forming process is vacuum forming. In this study as a test material used polyethylene terephtalate (PET) plastic sheet measuring 100 mm x 100 mm with a thickness of 0.30 mm to be formed using a vacuum forming process, with a gelatinized mold to know the best parameters and defects resulting from the forming process. The method used in this research is quantitative descriptive method and the analysis using quantitative approach. Based on the research, the best parameters on standard vacuum forming are heating temperature of 90 , blower heater selector at number of 6, heating time 30 seconds and tip blower heater distance with plastic sheet 5 cm. While the best parameters on the plug-asisst vacuum forming are heating temperature of  90 , selector blower heater at number of 7, heating time 27 seconds, tip blower heater distance with plastic sheet 5 cm and depth plug presses of 1 cm. The defects caused are uneven thickness, the sharp part is not formed and the mold is not fully charged.


plug – asisst vacuum forming; polyethylene terephtalate; standard vacuum forming;

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