potatoes, chopping, capacityAbstract
Potatoes are one of the results of the Indonesian horticulture and are included in the world’s top five staple food groups.Potato tubers are a source of carbohydrates, but they also contain vitamins and minerals. Potatoes are widely used in the form of processed vegetables, chips (chips), and french fries (french fries). Utilization that is often found is processed into fried potatoes. Processing of fried potatoes is inseparable from the cutting process until the product is ready for further processing.Chopping using a knife requires a long time. Thus a potato chopping is needed to save time production costs.Potato chopper machine is a machine that functions as a large and continuous number of potato chopper. This machine uses an electric motor as a drive and is equipped with a chopper dish.This machine uses a steel frame and vault distributor. The9kgtestedpotatoesweredividedintothreetestswithvariationsintherotationalchopperrotationalspeedof157rpm,210rpmand315rpm.Eachspeedvariationwastestedthreetimeswithatestperiodof1kgpertest.The results of testing potatoes with chopper rotational speed produces the best chopping speed at 210 rpm chopper rotational speed with an average yield of 900 grams with a time of 31 seconds and a capacity of 32.37 grams / second.References
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