steel, seam, SMAW, weldingAbstract
Factors affecting welding are welding procedures, which are a plan for conducting research that includes the selection of welding machines, the appointment of welders, electrode selection and the use of the seam type. Low carbon steel is a type of steel that has good weldability and machine capability, so itis a material that is often used in the industry. The purpose of this study was to determine the results of welding with a variation of seam X, V and U on the tensile strength and macrostructure. The specimens of this study were based on ASTM-E8 with a size of 5 mm x 20 mm x 200 mm, SMAW type E6013 electrodes with a diameter of 3.2 mm, by current 80A. The speciman then tested for tensile strength and macrostructure. The widest HAZ area macro test results are in seam X by 23.05 mm the smallest HAZ area in seam V 20, 08 mm. Tensile strength test results, the highest average value in seam V is 455.68 MPa and the smallest at seam X 382 MPa. Based on the results of this study the most ideal welding seam is VReferences
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