
  • Barnabas Satria Wibawa Universitas Tidar


inhibitors, dragon sump extract, corrosion rate, hardness.


Impeller is an important part of a centrifugal pump where there is a change in mechanical energy in the form of rotation into speed, impeller flow will be rotated by the pump driving motor, causing the flow to rotate and the flow of movement will follow the impeller and exit at great speed. Red dragon fruit skin is rich in polyphenol and antioxidant sources, antioxidant activity and red dragon fruit skin is greater than the activity of the flesh of the fruit. Therefore in this study the author wants to identify the antioxidant content in the skin of red dragon fruit so that it can be used as an organic inhibitor. The method of this research is to provide organic corrosion inhibitors made from dragon fruit peel extract to the impeller material of a well water pump (low carbon steel), by comparing the specimens without giving inhibitors with specimens that have been given inhibitor concentrations of 9%, 12 % and 15%, which will then be tested for corrosion resistance in the seawater environment and conducted a hardness test. The results of the low carbon steel corrosion rate testing that has been given a variation of the inhibitor concentration of 15% have a value of 0.1452 mmpy. The inhibitor efficiency of 0.1452 mmpy which is located in the most optimal variation of inhibitors is 15% with an efficiency value of 64.3%.


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