composite, pineapple leaf fiber, tensile strength, impact toughnessAbstract
Composite material is a combination of two or more different materials with the aim of improving the mechanical properties of materials. Composites are generally classified into two distinct parts, where the continuous phase is called a matrix, and the discontinuous period is called an amplifier. In this thesis the composite material to be used is epoxy resin and epoxy hardener as a continuous phase (matrix) and pineapple leaf fiber as a discontinuous phase (reinforcement). This study aims to determine the effect of the volume fraction of pineapple leaf fiber as a composite reinforcement on the tensile strength and impact toughness, with the hope that it can be a solution for natural fibrous composite materials substitutingwood and metal. This research uses pineapple leaf fiber as a composite reinforcement with an alkalization treatment for 2 hours. The composite printing process uses a hand lay up method with variations in the volume fraction of 10%, 15%, and 20%. The testing method that will be used is testing the tensile strength and impact toughness of the composite. In this test we will use tensile stress testing with ASTM D638 type 4 test standard and impact toughness testing using ASTM D5942 test standard using Charpyimpact test method. The results showed that the highest tensile strength of pineapple leaf fiber composites is in the volume fraction of 20% fiber with an average tensile strength of 29,991 MPa, while the lowest tensile strength value in composites with avolume fraction of 10% of fiber with a tensile strength of 30,701 MPa. The highest impact toughness of composite with the highest strength of pineapple leaves is 20% fiber volume fraction with average impact toughness of 0.0065 J/mm2, and lowest impact strength of 10% fiber volume fraction with an average value of 0.0032 J/mm2.References
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