Analisis SWOT Brand Dagadu Djokdja

denty lestari, Siti Indayani, Indah Lusiana


PT.  Aseli Dagadu Djokdja, best known as Dagadu, is the only merchandise brand in Yogyakarta.  The company is engaged in the creative industry of alternative souvenirs typical Yogykarta with the theme Everything about Djokdja.  Dagadu is not only a company engaged in the creative industry and manufacturer of T-shirts.  However, Dagadu also produces souvenirs which are unique, such as key chains, hats, sticky images and other trinkets which have attractive graphic designs and arouse buyers' interests with the theme of tourism and the environment of Yogyakarta City.  The Dagadu brand is legally registered and popular among local and international communities.  Thus, many small producers and traders have plagiarized the Dagadu brand.  The aim of this study is to analyze the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the Dagadu brand with SWOT analysis (Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, Threats).  This study uses descriptive methods with data collection techniques through observation, interviews and literacy studies.  Based on the SWOT analysis that is seen from the elements of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, it can prove that the Dagadu brand still has a good image in the eyes of consumers even though many manufacturers are plagiarized, so that the one chosen to support the creation of the objectives of the company is the "O-T strategy"



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