Ahmad Fahrudin, Sulistyani Sulistyani, Suwasdi Suwasdi, Ismiterra Cahya Pradani


This research examines about utilization of phytochemical compounds from the sap of banana trees and the extract of bitter melon (pare fruit) as anti-inflammatory herbs medicine using modern sprayer technique. The content of tannin, saponnin, alkaloid, and flavonoid became a limitation in the conduct of this research. Phytochemical formulation is done to six treatments to find out the optimal sprayer formulation in inhibition of inflammatory process of the research object, which is white rats. Sprayer that we used has 20 mL total volume with total capacity of the formulation is 10 mL and done for 10 days in a row with the observation variables are blood clotting speed, wound healing rat and visual culture of white rat (mouse). The analysis is done by using analysis of variance with the table F at 5% and 1 %, then analysis by using analysis of Least Significant Differences (LSD) to find out real difference between the treatments.


banana’s sap, bitter melon, phytochemical, spray, inflammation

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