Aulia Indah Sari, Rian Destiningsih, Fitrah Sari Islami


E-commerce is an activity of buying or selling goods and services and trafficking data through Internet media middlemen. The number of Internet users is one indicator of development in e-commerce. The difference in the network of signals in Indonesia is particularly between big cities and sections of the country is the problem in developing e-commerce. The development of e-commerce on this research is based on the commerce e-commerce and the total income value of e-commerce. The research wanted to analyze e-commerce's impact on economic growth if there was still a discrepation of a network of signals. The purpose of this study is to analyze the impact of e-commerce's business, the total income value of e-commerce and Internet users to Indonesia's economic growth. The study USES regression data panel analysis 2018-2019. Research shows that e-commerce, total income value e-commerce, and Internet users have significant positive effects on Indonesia's economic growth.


manufacturing; PMDN industry; labor; exports; imports

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