Jundi Abdullah Faiz, Luci Rita Indrawati, Gentur Jalunggono


The tourism is a sector that plays an important role in economic development and contributes to the revenue of Regional Original Revenue. Magelang Regency has high tourism potential and there are many tourist destinations, one of which is Borobudur temple. This study aims to analyze the effect of local taxes, levies, the number of tourists and the number of tourist objects on the local revenue of Magelang regency in 2008-2018. The dependent variable used is Local Own Income. Meanwhile, the independent variables used are local taxes, levies, the number of tourists and the number of tourist objects. The data used are secondary data from the years 2008-2018. The method in this research is multiple linear regression analysis, classical assumptions and statistical tests. The results showed that partially each of the variables of local taxes, levies, the number of tourists and the number of tourist objects have a significant effect on the local revenue of Magelang Regency in 2008- 2018. Meanwhile, simultaneously the variables of local taxes, levies, the number of tourists and the number of tourist objects have a significant effect on the Regional Original Revenue of Magelang Regency in 2008-2018.


Local Revenue, local taxes, levies, number of tourists, number of tourist objects

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Universitas Tidar 

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