Saadatul Kamilla, Hadi Sasana, Retno Sugiharti


Currently the role of technology is very important for human life. In addition to making it easier for humans to carry out various activities, the role of this technology can also improve their quality of life, especially the role of information and communication technology (ICT). Utilization of ICT is needed in the progress of various fields that encourage an increase in national income which will increase economic growth. However, the problem in Indonesia is that the access and ICT facilities are not evenly distributed among the people, especially in the Eastern Indonesia Region. The purpose of this study is to examine the influence of ICT on economic growth in Indonesia in 2012-2019. This study uses a panel data regression analysis tool Fixed Effect Model robust standard error with cross section weight. The data used is secondary data in 33 provinces in Indonesia in 2012-2019 obtained from the Central Bureau of Statistics. The results obtained indicate that three ICT variables, namely internet users, cellular phone users, and household spending on telecommunications have a positive and significant impact on economic growth in Indonesia in 2012-2019. Meanwhile, IP-TIK has a insignificant effect on economic growth in Indonesia in 2012-2019. The need for the government together with business people and the community to make Indonesia a digitally literate country in all things that can increase economic growth in Indonesia.


Economic Growth, ICT, IP-TIK, Internet Users, Cellular Phone Users, Household Expenditures for Telecommunication

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