Muhammad Rio Adi Sasono, Whinarko Juliprijanto, Jihad Lukis Panjawa


This study aims to determine the superior potential that exists in Cilacap Regency in 2010-2019 using GRDP and labor data. The analytical tools used are Location Quotient (LQ) analysis, Growth Ratio Model (MRP), classic Shift Share, labor elasticity, and labor coefficient. Based on the test, the results of the analysis are as follows: 1) the LQ analysis of the GRDP of Cilacap Regency gives the results of the mining and quarrying sector, and the manufacturing industry sector becomes the base sector, while the absorption of labor into the base sector is the industrial sector and other sectors, 2) the results MRP GRDP analysis of Cilacap Regency twelve sectors from seventeen sectors became the dominant sector in growth, while in the workforce, it was dominated by the industrial sector and other sectors, 3) in the classic Shift Share analysis there was a sectoral shift, the sectors that have high competitiveness in GRDP are Mining and Quarrying, Electricity and Gas Procurement, and Information and Communication sectors. Meanwhile, for the workforce, the industrial sector and other sectors that have high competitiveness, 4) the elasticity and labor coefficient value is always growing, while the workforce coefficient is close to 0 meaning the distribution of the workforce is balanced.


eading sector; sectoral shift; GRDP; manpower

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